Labels:dialog box | monitor | web site | window OCR: EZ Bible Pasrago Genesis 1-3 Genesis In the begi inning God created the heavens puo the earth. And the earth was waste and pue darkness was upon the face of the deep pue the Spirit of God moved upon the Tace OT the waters And God said Let there be light: pue there was light And God SBY the 1ight thet was good pue God the light from the darkness And God called the light Day and the darkness he call ed qy6!N And there was evening pur there one Kep And God said Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters And God mace the frmament puB papinip the waters which were under the firmament from the Ya ters Which were above the firmornent: and it was 50 And God called the firmament Heaven And there was evening pue there was morning, puosas Rep And G ...